Cada segundo...
cada minuto...
cada hora...
cada dia....
cada mes...
incluso...cada año.
Poco a poco,me doy cuenta de que el poder recordarte,me hace sentir mas fuerte,
Aunque no te tenga aqui al lado,siempre te recordaré!,como si hubierás estado aqui,al lado mia,compartiendo cada momento de mi vida.
Muchas veces me haces sentir como si te hubierá conocido de antes,pero solo te he conocido este año.
Y espero que te acuerdes mucho de mi,como si fuera la primera vez que nos vieramos.
Dicen,que para las cosas se tiene un principio y un final...bueno pues yo creo que solo tiene un principio,y que el final nunca existe.
Por que más allá del amor,hay más amor,y para mi el amor,nunca tiene final.
Para mi nunca hay final en algo,siempre hay principio,pero no final.
Y cada día me haces sentir cosas que nunca he sentido, has hecho ir a tu mundo.
Y eres la luz,que me despierta todas las mañanas,y la razón por la que lucho para poder verte.
Y eso me gusta.
Bueno! decir solo que me gusta es poco...más bien me encanta.
Por eso todos los dias me acuerdo de ti,por que me haces todo eso.
Y aprovechando el momento...quiero decirte...que cada dia TE QUIERO MÁS!
Recordo cada dia de tu.
Cada segon ...
cada minut ...
cada hora ...
cada dia ....
cada mes ...
fins i tot ... cada any.
A poc a poc, m'adono que el poder recordar, em fa sentir més fort,
Encara que no et tingui aquí al costat, sempre et recordaré!, Com si haguessis estat aquí, al costat meva, compartint cada moment de la meva vida.
Moltes vegades em fas sentir com si t'hagués conegut d'abans, però només t'heconegut aquest any.
I espero que recordis molt de la meva, com si fos la primera vegada que ens veiéssim.
Diuen, que per a les coses es té un principi i un final ... bé doncs jo crec que només téun principi, i que el final mai existeix.
Perquè més enllà de l'amor, hi ha més amor, i per mi l'amor, mai té final.
Per a mi mai hi ha final en alguna cosa, sempre hi ha principi, però no final.
I cada dia em fas sentir coses que mai he sentit, ... m'has fet anar al teu món.
Bé! dir només que m'agrada és poc ... més aviat m'encanta.
Per això tots els dies me'n recordo de tu, perquè em fas tot això.
I aprofitant el moment ... vull dir-te ... que cada dia T'ESTIMO MÉS!
I ets la llum, que em desperta cada matí, i la raó per la qual lluito per poder veure't.
I això m'agrada.
I remember you every day.
Every second ...
every minute ...
every hour ...
every day ....
each month ...
even ... every year.
Slowly, I realize that the power to remind you, I feel stronger,
Though you have here at hand, always remember you!, As if you had been here, next tomine, sharing every moment of my life.
Many times you make me feel as if I had known before, but I've only met this year.
And I hope you remember much about me, as if for the first time we saw it.
They say that things have a beginning and an end ... well because I think it only has a beginning, and that the end never exist.
Because beyond love, more love, and my love, never ending.
For me there is never the end of something, always first, but not final.
And every day you make me feel things I never felt ... you made me go to your world.
Well! only say that I like is little ... rather I love it.
So every day I remember you, because I do all that.
And seizing the moment ... I tell you ... that every day I LOVE YOU MORE!
And you're the light that wakes me every morning, and the reason I struggle to see you.
And I like that.
Every second ...
every minute ...
every hour ...
every day ....
each month ...
even ... every year.
Slowly, I realize that the power to remind you, I feel stronger,
Though you have here at hand, always remember you!, As if you had been here, next tomine, sharing every moment of my life.
Many times you make me feel as if I had known before, but I've only met this year.
And I hope you remember much about me, as if for the first time we saw it.
They say that things have a beginning and an end ... well because I think it only has a beginning, and that the end never exist.
Because beyond love, more love, and my love, never ending.
For me there is never the end of something, always first, but not final.
And every day you make me feel things I never felt ... you made me go to your world.
Well! only say that I like is little ... rather I love it.
So every day I remember you, because I do all that.
And seizing the moment ... I tell you ... that every day I LOVE YOU MORE!
And you're the light that wakes me every morning, and the reason I struggle to see you.
And I like that.